Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Girl Bullying II

Thanks for all of the feedback regarding my "girl bullying" post. It had more pageviews by far, than any other of my posts. Apparently  I am not alone in my concerns and experiences. To update, I talked to the parents that we tend to hang out with most often, and they all seemed to share my views. They plan to talk to their girls and continue to reinforce positive behavior. The parents of Leah's 4 closest friends were on the same page. We have started letting each other know when we witness something ugly between the girls. We also have started addressing them immediately (whether they are ours or not) when we see this type of behavior. For the most part, all of the parents of her closest friends seem to be on board, with the exception of one father. He is not necessarily opposed to correcting them. He just thinks it is ridiculous to bother each other every time his daughter complains that someone was mean to her. I completely see where he is coming from. You don't want to reinforce tattling or whining, but as a mother, I REALLY want to know when my daughter is ugly, so I can address it. I just feel like the more we address it, the better and more quickly they will learn.

As a woman with an amazing circle of female friends, I feel strongly about the love and support we get from other women. My girlfriends have my back no matter what. If someone was messing with me, they would have about 8 fired up women in full out b*#%h mode on their behinds! I know that I can share anything with them without judgement. I also know that they will always be honest with me whether or not they agree with me. I know that if ever I am down and  need to be picked up, they would all be in line to help, day or night. When we get together we laugh until our faces hurt. When we need to cry, someone will cry with us.

Women need each other. We need others who understand us as mothers, as wives, as workers and as friends. We should not be tearing one another down at any age.

I want my daughter and all of her friends to know that in time, boys will come and go. Hearts will be broken. There will be teams that they don't make,tests that they fail, rejection in all shapes and sizes. These are the people who will see them through those times. Just like my friends are a rock for me, so will they be for each other. I firmly believe that it is not too early for them to learn and understand these things and I am committed to instilling it in my daughter.


  1. Just for the record, I was not the father who was "not onboard"... I don't want anyone throwing me under the bus.

    - Jason

  2. Jason! Behave yourself!!! Besides, I'm not throwing him under the bus, just pointing out a difference in opinion. He is completely entitled to his opinion and does not have to agree with mine! Oh, and behave yourself!;)
