Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hitting and hitting back

So my cousin posed this question yesterday: Is it okay to teach kids to hit back when they are hit?

 This is what happened with her son in her words (names removed): "My son tells me a little while ago "Mom yesterday I was playing with my friend & I hurt her" He is in tears as he tells me this. "I told her I was sorry but I did leave a mark. Her mom said I'm never allowed over there again". So we had the never lay hands on someone talk (which I thought he already knew)... He does know! He's not a mean kid or a bully. I think he just forgets that she's a girl. Anyway, I texted the childs mother just to see if she knew what was up... She said yes she knew. Apparently her daughter told him she had an airhead & he punched her... Doubtful but whatever! I apologized for his actions... Her reply: "I told her she should have punched him back. I don't want her thinking that kids can just run over her. I want her to defend herself" ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! 1st they were playing a little to rough, 2nd is this what we teach our kids? Am I crazy or naive or something?! I mean kids should defend themselves but should we teach them to hit back? Isn't that just creating more problems? This is one of the IDK moments..."

My response: "Well, Idk either. I think that is one of those things that the situation dictates. If someone is being bullied, I think there comes a time when you stand up for yourself. But to blindly teach to hit back in every situation seems sorta ridiculous. I teach mine to tell someone if it's an isolated incident. However, I also teach them both that if they do hit someone, be prepared to get hit back!" 

What do you teach your kids???? 

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